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Exhibition Opening | Immersion

Zig Zag Gallery

You are invited to the opening of Immersion, a new solo exhibition from Aboriginal artist Lesley Murray. Lesley creates art based on her connection with her Anawin culture, Traditional Custodians of the New England area of NSW. Although she lives on Whadjuk Noongar land, and has experienced the wonders of the Pilbara, she is strong in her identity and proud to be part of the oldest living culture in the world.

Lesley is affected by the impact of a stroke on Christmas Day 2020. She sees the world in an immersive way and takes her fellow artists on this journey. Her art is also an experimental journey in media/mediums to tell the stories from her childhood along with her inspirations from everyday life – being a mother and a creative woman in her own right.

Event Information

- 8:00pm
Zig Zag Gallery
50 Railway Road, Kalamunda


Zig Zag Gallery
50 Railway Road, Kalamunda
Zig Zag Gallery organiser logo 2

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