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Solar Experience Tour

Perth Observatory

On this tour you will:

  • see the Collins Sundial and discover how it works and learn the purpose of an analemma.
  • view the Sun safely through our Coronado Solar Telescope (weather permitting).
  • learn about what causes sunspots and coronal mass ejections and how they cause the auroras here on Earth.
  • and learn about cool facts about the Sun and space probes that are helping us learn more about it


After your tour, enjoy a wander around the Perth Observatory Museum and see historical instruments, our meteorite exhibit, astrophotographs and artwork, and admire the beauty of the 1729 Atlas Coelestis, the first Star Atlas ever printed, from the work of John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal at the Greenwich Observatory in Great Britain.

Entry to the Observatory’s museum is included with the Solar Experience Tour.

Tours held every Sunday, on the half hour from 1pm to 3.30pm.

For further information and to book, visit the website.

Event Information

- 3:30pm
Perth Observatory
337 Walnut Road, Bickley


Perth Observatory
337 Walnut Road, Bickley
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