Home > Events > Spring into Armadale | Kambarang Second Spring Wildflower Talk


Spring into Armadale | Kambarang Second Spring Wildflower Talk

Wildflower Society of WA | Armadale Branch

Kambarang sees the transformation of many plants with the onset of warmer, drier weather. The bushland is still bright with a myriad of colourful and fascinating wildflowers, but consists of quite a different variety of species from that of Djilba, the preceding season. The Armadale branch of the Wildflower Society of Western Australia will discuss the flora of Forrestdale Lake Nature Reserve, one of Armadale’s most significant bushland areas. Be awakened to our local floral heritage and leave inspired to explore our bushland reserves with all the wildflowers they have to offer.

Event Information

- 3:30pm
Armadale Library
Shop 64/10 Orchard Avenue, Armadale
Cost: Free event, bookings essential


Wildflower Society of WA | Armadale Branch
Triton Crescent, Bedfordale
Wildflower Society Armadale

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