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Darlington Chamber Music

The Darlington Chamber Music Series began as the Darlington Winter Chamber Music series, and was founded by professional musician and Darlington resident, Jon Tooby. His idea for presenting fine chamber music concerts in the Darlington Hall was inspired by experiences as a child, going to see the West Australian String quartet presenting some memorable concerts. Those informal cushion concerts, featuring fine musicians performing works by great composers such as Beethoven, Brahms, and Mozart as well as many others, became the model for the current series.

The uniqueness of this series starts with the intimacy and atmosphere of the venue, where the audience is so close to the performers, they really feel part of each performance and experience a real sense of interaction with the players. This is exactly how they believe chamber music should be enjoyed, and in fact reflects the origins of this wonderful form of music making. The musicians believe it is this opportunity for a shared experience which makes the Darlington Chamber Music Series so special and unique.

Come and enjoy for a magical experience, where some of Western Australia’s finest musicians will treat you to an unforgettable afternoon of fine music. Then stay and enjoy a truly splendid afternoon tea and mingle and meet the players.